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Ekim, 2021 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor


 Hi everybody! Long time no see.I really miss this place.Because of so many reasons we couldn't get here but ultimately we are here with a lot of brain waves.I hope you'll like them.   Today I want to ask you a salient question.What would change in our lives if we knew how to die?Just hang on a second and think about that.   A few time ago Elf and me were watching a movie.Probably you know the movie which named "Big Fish".Actually this movie is an adaptation from a book belong to Daniel Wallace.There is a man who named Edward Bloom.Edward is a street vendor and he travel numerous places so he saw many people and lifes.As a consequence so many things happened in his life.And as you would appreciate some of these are not normal.They are a little bit extraordinary.Actually the movie clarify these unusual situations.   If you watched this movie maybe you'll remember a detail.In the movie there is a witch who neighbour little Edward Bloom.She has a big terrifying house...